Aims and objectives

This project is aimed to gather a set of researchers from four universities with a wide experience in developing and deploying ITG (ITG) (including ITG4U and dFogIT) framework models from 3 different countries (SPA, GER and NOR) to develop, adapt and test a new ITG framework to be implemented in HEIs in Albania. Expected results of this project include a better governance model for IT in Albanian HEIs as well as an overall modernization of the governance processes for HEIs and a contribution of the cooperation between EU and Albania. Specific objectives of the project are:

  1. Perform specialized training modules for building ITG models in Albanian universities. This training will target three types of stakeholders of universities: professors, students and administrators/managers. Professors will be trained in two different ways, those professors who wish to acquire new knowledge to include ITG as a teaching and research discipline. Regarding, graduate students from related studies of IT students and even in Management/Business Administration can acquire new skills to ensure their further professional or academic integration. Of course, the main target of this project is the intermediate management and board executives of universities, as well as functional IT departments that can take this opportunity to better align their IT strategies.
  2. ITG has been shown as a facilitator to produce higher ROI of enterprises, coming from further development of IT assets. These trainings will result in a greater connection between Albanian universities and the surrounding economic and social stakeholders. It will also provide project sustainability, since once Albanian trainers (professors) of local universities were accredited, they may continue providing specific training to local businesses.
  3. Build ITG frameworks, adaptable to each institution, for the participants of the project. As a result of initial and advanced training in ITG, Albanian universities in collaboration with EU must be able to implement their own ITG framework and their corresponding instruments of ITG.
  4. Build the skills and tools to ensure the sustainability of government IT project beyond.
  5. Set the value chain of IT in HEI and its Key Performace Indicators (KPI). The achievement of these aim should change how ITG is discussed as well as the strategic focus of this asset as important for the ITG of the HEI. The biggest changes that must be observed by all stakeholders are:

a. Increased transparency of governance decisions and the way that the board is managing IT.

b. Increased accountability of ITG structures, their composition and nature and their spheres of action and responsibility.

c. Governance of PPP (Portfolio, Programs, Projects) of IT.

d. Any kind of acquisitions are clearer and focused, i.e. outsourcing, provisioning and subcontracting of IT assets.

e. IT service catalogs are published, auditable, responsive and proactive.

f. Increased motivation and proactive IT staff due to increased visibility, changing the reactive attitude in front of the stakeholders and adding value of IT.

g. The strategy of HEIs is connected with tactical and operational IT, almost automatically and naturally through a virtuous cycle from the mission, vision and strategic objectives to measures and KPI for the IT assets.

ITG4AU - A project of the Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education

Erasmus +


Call: EAC/A03/2016



This project (Project number: 585578-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of its author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.